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Happy Fall 2021

Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.

And just like that summer transitions to fall. It's been a blurring one season onto the next in this pandemic. As we transition into the new season, may we be like tress shedding dead leaves from it's branches and let things go that are no longer serving our well being- making room for new blessings and growth like the leaves falling away for continued transformation in the ever changing flow of life.

And here's some snippets of me enjoying fall season in Tokyo.

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It's also the season of Thanksgiving, and this year I'm thankful for my family and friends. But most of all, I'm thankful that I'm living in this country, and that I get to travel and experience life despite the pandemic.

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  • Meiji Jingu Gaien (Free)

  • Shinjuku Gyoen National Park (admission free for adult: 500 Yen)

Happy reading!

Love love love,


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