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A Believer

and a

Dream Chaser

This blog is about me outside the classroom walls. And YES! I am a Pre-school teacher. That is why I made this blog to share with you a glimpse in the life of an ordinary person. I will be sharing with you some recipes, DIY's, arts and crafts, fashion, my travel diaries, and everything about me.

This blog is not about advertising products, endorsing brands or something like that. I just want to connect with people and to document experiences. Because we only have one chance in this game of life, so why not make it a memorable one. Work any job, in any country, surrounded by any kind of people. Don't get stuck into a routine amongst a society you don't agree with. Roam free. Live free and be SCARED and DO IT anyways (my life MOTTO). This is all about me living my best life, This just serves as my living journal. 

Thanks so much for stopping by! I would love to hear from you and stay in touch! 

Lots of love, 



"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you have imagined." 


                                                 -Henry David Thoreau

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