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Mouth watering Wagyu Beef

Went to Akihabara to try this famous Wagyu place called Roast Beef Ono. And Oh my.... it was heavenly.

This beef was simply mouth watering and melts in your mouth. The special sauce and raw egg on top was AMAZING! This comes in set with white rice, pickled cabbage and ox- tail soup was so flavorful. I've ordered the Black Wagyu Roast Beef rice bowl set. Plus, there's an instruction on how to properly enjoy and eat the beef.

Get off at Akihabara Station, exit via Electric Town North and walk 3 mins.(you need to cross the road, and there you will see a big picture of the beef. It opens at 11 am, so be there before it opens as there can be a lot of people queuing after around 11 as it is lunch time (most especially on weekends).

To rate this, 10 being the highest I will give it 10/10. Definitely coming back.

Happy eating.

Love love love,


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